BASIC SINGLE Membership – $225.00 per year
- You can apply for this membership immediately after you have your ammo qualification card which is given after you pass the test on a new shooters night. You do not need to qualify for centre-fire for a regular membership.
- This membership saves you $40 every Tuesday and Thursday night. (No Range Fees)
- You may only attend the club on Tuesday or Thursday nights, or with a Voting Member outside of these times.
- You do not get a key to the club with this membership.
- Member applicants must have a firearms license.
Upgrade From BASIC SINGLE to VOTING SINGLE Membership – $245.00
- This upgrade to your regular membership allows you access to a key fob in order to access the club outside of Tuesday and Thursday nights.
- This membership also allows you to attend and vote in the Annual General Meeting of the Wascana Pistol Club (AGM).
- You only have to pay for this upgrade once, although you have to renew your regular membership every year.
- In order to apply for this membership you must:
- Retain a regular membership for a minimum of 3 months with no incidents.
- Have your centre-fire qualification.
- Have a Restricted Firearms License (RPAL)
BASIC FAMILY Membership – $325.00 per year
- This membership covers a married couple and their children up to the age of 17.
- Every person included in this membership must have their ammo qualification card and a firearms license.
- This membership saves each of your family members $40 on Tuesday and Thursday nights. (No Range Fees)
- With this membership you may only attend the club on Tuesday and Thursday nights.
- You do not get a key with this membership.
- Please note that anyone under the age of 17 may not attend the club without parental supervision.
Upgrade From BASIC FAMILY to VOTING FAMILY Memberships – $345.00
- This upgrade from your Family Membership allows you access to a key fob to access the club outside of Tuesday and Thursday nights.
- An extra key fob for your partner may be purchased for an extra $20. Key fobs will not be given for any children.
- This membership also allows you to attend and vote in the Annual General Meeting of the Wascana Pistol Club (AGM).
- You only have to pay for this upgrade once, although you have to renew your family membership every year.
- Please note that anyone under the age of 17 must be supervised by a voting member while at the club at all times.
- In order to apply for this membership you must:
- Retain a basic family membership for a minimum of 3 months with no incidents.
- Have centre-fire qualifications and a Restricted Firearms License (RPAL) for every person who will be using the club.